Ms. Mitchell's 3rd Grade Blog Page
The Salem Family Recycled 280 Pounds of Cans
The Salem family recycled 280 poundsS.Z.
M.L.the Salem family recycle 280 pounds in the year.
ther wode be 280 12 mouthes
a.k.k.the salem family has 280 pounds in a year!
they wouid have 280 pandes of cxans
The Salem Family recycled 280 cans in a year M.A.L
the amount of the Salem family is 280 recyceled poundes K.E.B
the Salem family recycled 280 pounds
the answer is 280 s.l
The Salem family recycled 280 poundsJ.S.
N.L The Salem family recycle 280 pounds of cans.
Salem Famly Recycled 280 pounds in a year
The Selem recycled 280.t.r
the salem family recycled 280 pounds l.c
The salem fammily recycled 280
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The Salem Family Recycled 280 Pounds of Cans
The Salem family recycled 280 pounds
the Salem family recycle 280 pounds in the year.
ther wode be 280 12 mouthes
the salem family has 280 pounds in a year!
they wouid have 280 pandes of cxans
The Salem Family recycled 280 cans in a year M.A.L
the amount of the Salem family is 280 recyceled poundes K.E.B
the Salem family recycled 280 pounds
the answer is 280 s.l
The Salem family recycled 280 pounds
The Salem family recycle 280 pounds of cans.
Salem Famly Recycled 280 pounds in a year
The Selem recycled 280.t.r
the salem family recycled 280 pounds l.c
The salem fammily recycled 280 pounds.
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