
Wednesday, January 13, 2010


How did using a rockstar help you learn today in reading?


Anonymous said...

The rockstar helped us with our learning to share.Also to lisen to the story and talk as a group and write down our thinking.If you need help there is someone to help you.You can share your thinking and help others.

Anonymous said...

the rockstar helps us becuse 5 peopol can lisin to it and not gest one so evrey bode dosit have to lisen to gest to one

Anonymous said...

DD It was fun cuse you had to think cuse there was no pictures and becuse I never used one so it was exiting for me and I like how you can be in a group of 5.

Anonymous said...

The rockstar helped me becouse it aloud me to think about the story than to just look at the pictures


Anonymous said...

its esor thin rirle reding

Anonymous said...

i like rock star becuse it reads it to you and there can be five pepol in one grop d.c

Anonymous said...

I like your coment it helps under stand the rockstar

Anonymous said...

For ever boty to lison by ther sefe and qiitly.c.a.r

Anonymous said...

i think it help's with are lerning and shering and i think it heip's as becuse we can talk to uther peopol

Anonymous said...

D.D. I like how you said it was exciteing from S.Z.

Anonymous said...

the rockstar helped us by not useing all the i touch and to share with your frinds.and you want to user the rockstar.the rockstar helped you read it.


Anonymous said...

The rockstar helped us by you dont get to see the pictures you goata imagine the pictures
and you dont got to read cause they read it to you.

Anonymous said...

I like how you said it is eser than reading dc

Anonymous said...

It encorages you to read and write about your reading

Anonymous said...

i like ow you said thet it help's you

Anonymous said...

I like how you said theres someone to help you.

Anonymous said...

The Rockstar helped me by writing my thinking and I can really feel the characters are feling and I can really visalis a lot.It really help me to share a lot and it's really funer than reading by yourself.

Anonymous said...

The rock star helped me by.You get to work with agroup and the group helps you.It is easy because you don't have to turn the page.Plus you can write things on the paper you get.It motivats me to read. By:C.T.P

Anonymous said...

S.z i like how you said it aloud you to read the book and not look at the pictures.


Anonymous said...

The rockstar helped me and my gruop under stand the book a little more. the helps you with book you never could connet to, that way you really connet to the book

Anonymous said...

The Rockstar helped us by making us think about the story because it makes us wantto make a picture in our mind it actualy made me read more books. F.P

Anonymous said...

The Rockstar encureged me to read more

Anonymous said...

i like win you sede luking at pichor B.C

Anonymous said...

dear k.e.b rockstar can help others.c.a.r

Anonymous said...

I like how you saidlot of people. DD

Anonymous said...

I really like how you say you can share your thinking and help others.

Anonymous said...

bh TO bc

Anonymous said...

i like oh you said it help's as with lerning

Anonymous said...

learning with the rockstar was great the part i like the most was getting along with other pepole. t.r

Anonymous said...

.s.l I like it because they read it to me and it looks cool. because you can be to gather with your friends or with out your friends. an it is a experiens of new thounghs and more learning. an shareing with others even if you like it or not. s.l