
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lone Star Problem Solving

Answer your problem solving in your journal with complete work.
What is the correct amount of change due to Patsy if she paid with a $5.00 bill?

Quick Write Pet

Monday, November 9, 2009

A new Sky, A new Start

a fild of promases take care of it K.E.B

i'm a free flower K.E.b

wach out don't step on me K.E.B

i'm as delact as a flower i'm very fragel don't break me K.E.B.

A feild is a dream and when you dream you are in one of those feilds.If you think hard enough you could be in all of them at once

the fheash air blowing thro my face and the flower pedales all over the place D.c

the wind blowes ther my hair. the gress skraches my leges. it is home i'm home. i feel safe i feel peces. i wish i cold relly go home but i cent.


the flower look cool IT looks like a poll j.s.

freedom in the gerassy land c.a.r

When there's a sunny day like that GOD is happy and a baby is born

the free blue ski c.a.r

I shine in the sun. They eat me cuse I'm something that you eat I'm flower seed's bye. DD

I think it means it is your new life and you can do new things

"go with the flow" I might say the sky is blue...for now.color is stolen I'm sure you heard of the lighting theif,ha live is funny that way oh sorry,what I thoght was so funny was the color theif! HA the lighting theif,the color theif oh the iron.But back to the mater at hand,ran wihle you still have your color M.L.M

Friday, October 30, 2009


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Broken glass

I think the broken glass mean when you broke your heart your heart is still inside you

Broken but still holding it together. Things might not be as clear but you can still see through it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

broken lock

A broken lock is like a friendship. If you break it, it may be hard to fix it even with the key.
maybe it means when you braek a lock that means you brocke a promes Lc
if you cant unlock it with a key you can break free with you mind and heart
When you break a lock you break a friendship and you can not fix it. by;C.T.P
Maybe it meant like that if you had or have a broken heart.
when you brack a lock you brack your haert dc
When you braek a lock you braek a heart.
frends are like a lock when it is broke its hard to fix it
A broken lock is friendship that just broke apart m.L.
your haret is the lock you have broken the lock yourslef by comiting a sin.sometimes that sin can't be fixed and you have a broken your haret forever.M.L
a broken lock a broken heart
A broken lock is like you braking a millona peses of glass and thats not so safe.
when breack a lock you,ve broken your hart,frindship,and life.
When you break a lock you break the inter;C.T.P
When you break a lock it is like breaking the;C.T.P

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Peeking, Sneaking, Watching

Write a poem! 15 words or less. Here is mine:

Peeking, sneaking, watching
Half in, half out
Things you do
Someone is always watching
By Ms. M

i peek and sneak when i have money in my wallet

lost in the dark word no way out but a way in trap forever no!!!! eh

Snenking up on the water bank looking for the right time to jump out to freedome.By M.K.L

peeking and waiting for food inthe riverby m.r.c

a big hippo looking for his love one but not able to fined her. he findes her floting on top of the water to fined out that she is dead.M.G.H.

I peek, I seek, I watchyou better watch outbecause I may see you!

Spring is in the Air

Write a poem with 15 words or less!
New day
New Start
Blossom from your corner
Step onto the emerald grass
Be Brilliant!
By Ms. M
Sport 107 - Sport news
Sunny day flowers are bloming wind blowing in your hair nothing to stop your heart.By M.K.L
I am first born in the blue day light.R.F.L.
one little flower seeking for loveM.G.H
a little flower waiting for a great day and a great friend.
alone in a green world lost but happy but not relly I need so one by my side

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Truism for Friday

Explored the past know explore the future.H.E.M
Never let someone bug you. J.M.C
Never let a bug bit you for ever.BY M.K.L
Never let a petal of hate bug you.BY M.K.L
don't let the bugs get you down.By:M.A.P
dont let love bug you. mgh
Don't let the beauty slip away .J.M.C
Never let a petel of love bug you BY M.K.L
never let big things get in front of you.R.F.L.
never let life leave you and bug you upby M.R.C
don't let a bug bit you n.m.m.
Walking through the way of live.H.E.M.
You can sometimes be buggy.By:M.A.P
Come out for a new life. HA
Don`t let small things bother you on the to a happy life.M.C.
dont let life bug you when you are down mgh
freedom is red blood eh
dont let the love bug you after everything changes in life
never go over the edge if it bugs youby M.R.C
never iet love go over the edge.R.F.L.
you can always be seen even threw the most transparent timeby clr
You don't want to be the stinker.By:M.A.P
do not live alone all your life R.F.L.
Don`t be buged in life it just brings you down.M.C.
pass is gone. travel ahead EH
flower can take you away
come out for a new life n.m.m
dont worry about life buging you when you are happy mgh
Don`t let bad things bug you.M.C.
bug can take you a wayn.m.m
never let life bug you foreverby M.R.C
Never fear anything.J.M.C
let the love bit you eh
Don't let wanna-bes give you advice feel transparent AP
fall off edge fail forever eh
Dont let your life be bug by other people. X.B.M
bug can't make you happy n.m.m.
dont let a bug bite your love and heart CH
never jump off the eeg of the flour of life by clr
flowers take me a way aaa
let the love bit you eh
Dont let a bug bit your life. X.B.M
A free life. H.E.A
Dont let the bug bit you. X.B.M
dont let the bug of the devl stomp all over your flour of life by clr
if the bug fall from the edge yhe world eould end c.a.h
Stay with the way of life.H.E.M.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Reflection on Camp Write A-Lotta

What did you like best about Camp Write A Lotta? What do you think we should do again next year? What do you think we should do more? What should we NOT do next year?
I THINK THE SLIDESHOW IS WORTH STAYING UP you need to do it angin Ms.Mictell we love it .it made our day eh
The thing i liked the most about camp was sining the songs and to wirte a lot so we well be ready for the tax test next week.BY M.K.L
i like how we could go in the tents,bring are sleeping bags, and read to different peaple.i think that next year the 4 graders should do it to. what i don't think they should do next year is bring big tents.
I liked the allagator game(I`m having trouble with speling)and I think the school shoul keep the tents,marshmellows,and hotdogs.M.C.
i like how we could go in the tents,bring are sleeping bags, and read to different peaple.i think that next year the 4 graders should do it to. what i don't think they should do next year is bring big tents.
my favorit thing was going to the cafaterea and reading to ather peapole.but my moste favorit is waching the video.that was awsome!C.A.C
I like when we put up are tents and worked together to make our writing grate.R.F.L.
The thing I liked the most about camp was sining the songs and to write a lot so we are ready for the tax test next week.Also I think you should`t change anything next time.BY M.K.L
my favaort thing is the viedio in the tentc.a.h
I like when we put up are tents and worked together to make our writing grate.R.F.L.
my favorite parts of camp write-a-lotta is to go in tents,bringing sleeping bags,and giving back feedback to other people.I think you don't have to change M.R.C.
I like when we got to bring are sleeping bag and I want more time to write soI can get done but bring small tents.H.E.A.
I like when we put up are tents and worked together to make our writing grate.R.F.L
I say you should do less games next year.I say the ending of Camp Write alotta was the best, we should do more of the ending.I say we should not share are writing at the end.J.M.C
I liked every thing you shudint chang a thing. But I love geting to go in to the tents and writing by clr
It was very nice at Camp Write-A-Lotta. My favorite thing was each begining of camp, when we sing. May be you could do a fun activity outside for next year. But also you should be doing more writing, so that you wouldn't need to keep writing in the last day of the Camp Write-A-Lotta. But maybe don't have alot of tents.By:M.A.P.
i like when we put up the tents and worked together to make are writing good.R.F.L.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Truism for Monday

You should never get yourself in trouble with a shame of cuts.By:M.A.P
shortcuts in life aren't always the best thing to doM.C.
Never cut through life.H.E.M.
many cuts can open new things mgh
One cut can cut you up forever.H.E.M.
Never cut yourself up.J.M.C
Don't get too excited with those grateful scissors.By:M.A.P
don't let love cut you up MH
Love never cuts love.H.E.A.
don't let life cut you upby M.R.C
One cut can make you stronger than you were before.BY M.K.L
life can cut you open n.m.m
You cut the right way to the right path.X.B.M
Always cut your way through. J.M.C
never cut a door that can help you n.m.m.
Love never cuts open forever.H.E.A.
Never cut thought closed doorR.F.L.
false love could give you a stab in the heart MC
life cuts you up in a secondM.R.C
cut off your past and keep on living your life AP
Love like to cut open.H.E.A.
You could never be safe with any scissors.By:M.A.P
Never cut the way of friendship.H.E.M.
Always cut your way through.J.M.C
never cut a door that can help you n.m.m

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What are Your Writing Goals for Camp Write-A-Lotta?

My goal is to make the reder jump in my shows and to have golden words. n.m.m
My goal for Camp Write-A-Lotta is to be learning new things and be better at writing. By:M.A.P
My goal is to write better snapshots. J.M.C
I want to work on my wow word to make my peacs better. eh
I want to make a fiction book .I also want to get a 4 on the writen comption. M.C.
my goal for camp isto make the redr walk in my shoes by desribing the place n.m.m
my goal for camp right-a-lota.Is to have beter leads.And snap shots. by clr
the golden saint writers my goal from camp is making people feel like theri are and the stories and bata beanc . a.h
my goal is to get beter with my bata bings,snapshots,wow words,cachy leads,and so on. C.A.C
My goal is to take breath taking snapshots and lots of bada-bings and focus. AP
My goals for Camp Write-A-Lotta are to use amazing snapshots,also to use a buch of ba da bings. My other goals for camp are to have a lot of decirption.BY M.K.L
The golden saint writers: My goal for camp is making people feel like they are ion my story and ba da bings c.a.h
my goals is to make sure my writing improves by using ba da bings, snapshots,wow words and catchy leads. mgh
My goal is to work on my Ba-da-Bings. H.E.M
I want to make a fiction book .I also want to get a 4 on the writen comption. M.C.
My goal for camp is to wite neater and get a 4 on the taks. R.F.L.
I want to make a fiction book .I also want to get a 4 on the writen comption. M.C
My goal is to be come a better writer and get good snap shot. H.E.A.
My goal is to add Ba-Da-Bings,snapshots,using colors,cacthingleads,wow words,show are feelings,and stong voices. M.R.C
My goal is to make the best write camp writing. x.b.m

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sensory Man: McDonald's

As I quickly pushed opened the door, the heavenly smell of a Big Mac hit my nose. My body melted. My brain turned into clouds as I walked over the register. I glanced up at menu, sparkling at me like old Las Vegas lights. I scanned back and forth unable to decide what sandwich to buy. Should I get a salad? Nah! I looked at each picture with a number. I looked over the teenage cashier to get a better look at what is available. Fries- definitely salty fries. Oh my arteries! Okay I stare into those young eyes of the cashier and order the same old thing: Number one with a diet Coke. Digging through my purse like a pup looking for my credit card, I give it to him to pay. Minutes later, my white bag with golden arches is handed to me. I click my heels when I skip to the door to leave. By Ms. Mitchell

I open the door I felt the clearly glass and the juice meat. I see red and yellow words hear people getting soda taste the big mac By c. a.h

As I open the door to MC.DONALD`S I freeze and the aroma of the salty french fries and the juicy and crunchy chicken hits my nose and I see a heaven of orange and red like the sun and it burned my eye`s.Sis,sis,bush I hear the soda pouring into a cup like a waterfall.Then I feel the rough wall and the juicy french fries and as I slowly put the chicken in my mouth I taste a heavenly burst of oil and grease hit my taste bud`s.BY M.K.L

As I opened the door to McDonald's I can smell the hamburgers and the fries.I hear the sizzling of the French fries maker.I see the kids playing in the play place and the rough juicy chicken in my mouth. by H.E.M.

As I walked into McDonald's (which I hate)the smell of grease entered my nose.I looked at the menu bored the bright neon blue letters came into view.I ordered the chicken.When that crispy chicken entered my mouth I didn't know what to say.The sound of the soda jerk roared on and off like a waterfall.I felt the cold ice cream in my mouth. yet it was warm because of the hot fudge. by M.C.

As I opened the door o McDonald's a smell of crispy juicy chicken spread in my nose.The red and orange words staring at me and I look back.I touch the counter like I'm giving my soul away to the hamburgers.I can hear the sizzling of the fries.I can taste the big mac in my mouth. by J.M.C

As I opened the door to McDonald's.The breeze of the fries feels the air.Oil popping in the air.Dr.Peper feels my mouth.A kiddie burger feels my hand.I see the Dr.Pepper going in to a cup.R.F.L.

As i open the door to McDonald's i feel the order of hot glazing fries hit my face of a cashier .I walk over to the flowing soda that hit the cup of haven order up i hear with a blateras walk to my order .i could see though the clear glass kid were play with joy and laughter ,. i taste the chicken sandwich of haven crispy in my mouth as live the smell follows me i love it. by eh

As I open the door to Mc Donald I could hear people ordering their food. I can see the bright colors on the the menu calling my name telling me to order a meal. I smelled the hot warm chocolate. I tasted the ice cold ice cream witha hot chocolate surrounding the ice cream like it was prison by the hot tasty warm M.R.C

As I walked in I smelled the aroma of the fries. I could hear the meats sizzling on the frying pan. I could see my meal standing their screaming my name. I could taste the greasy patty in my mouth. I could touch the buns of the patty and say " I' m lovin it. by AP

As soon as i walk in to Mc donud's i can smell a sweet heaven hitting me almost blowing me away of the grease smell of the fries and the burgers sizzling on the grill.I can hear the people getting soda and the soda machine is making a sound like zit zit.I can tasted the just chicken waiting to be eaten.I can feel the rough bread.I can see little kids playing in the play area. by MGH

when i walk in McDonald's i could smell the juice fries and the spicy Mcchicken and people ordering food and getting there drink n.m.m.

I was in great mood when we were about to eat a heavenly breakfast at McDonald's on a special morning. once I felt the door of McDonald's I could already feel myself putting pressure on the pancake with my fork. As soon as I entered I smelled The heavenly pancakes. I saw many people rushed in a big line just waiting for their order.Once we got our grateful order of pancakes we sat at a table. I got all the hunger in me that I sprang to my meal and ate it all in about 5 bites. I heard the food just running through my stomach and then... BUURRPP!! I knew I was full from the softness of those pancakes.I was almost leaving from the door from what I saw, heard, feel, and tasted in this grateful restaurant. By:M.A.P

I opened the door and the aroma lifted up me once and gentle placed me down. I quickly heard the the sound of the fries sizzling and the soda machine sweet sweet and the orange and black words wear calling me "come and eat me" I slowly walked torwards the hot fudge Sunday I scraped the hot fuge to the side once I was finished with the ice cream I ate the hot fudge it lifted me in to the air and I fell down as light as a clr

Monday, February 9, 2009

College Week at Terrace Elementary

It is college week at Terrace Elementary School, Houston, Texas! Search through the colleges on my home page (Google: Ms. Mitchell's Webpage) and make recommendations to others. Create a hyperlink to the college's homepage and tell why you think that school is worth attending. I think that UCLA is an amazing college because they have a school of law and a school of education. If you want to be a lawyer or a teacher, then UCLA is for you. A.M You can register for class. by R.F.L Ms. Mitchell went to Houston Baptist University. If you love children and want to become a teacher, then HBU is the college for you. Ms. Mitchell THEY HAVE A SCHOOL FOR BEING ENGINEER AND BEING A SOLIDER. by C.H. LSU is cool. It has student life and faculty and staff.R.F.L I would like to go to this school because it has art like photography and computer design thowes are with I want to be want i grow up it is neat to do a fun work. eh I chose LSU because it is great and you get to become teacher and it is acedemic A.P. I picked TAMIU because you can study to graduate. Also you can keep on studying to make a goal. So go ahead and go to TAMTU. By:M.A.P. I think that TAMUS is a amazing college beacuse it has ramps up fiber optic electrical current sensor with green technology.If you are interested in green technology then TAMUS is for you.BY M.K.L

Friday, February 6, 2009

Truism: Doors

Your future has many doors but it is you who has to choose. Choose wisely. by Ms. Mitchell
dont let a door close on you n.m.m
the door to life n. m.m
Open doors to your true love AP
Life opens door BY M.K.L.
doors can open books By:M.A.P
the door to the world n.m.m
Don`t have a door of upsetness in your mind M.E.C.
Open the door to Love and friendship. by H.E.M.
the love is at the door n.m.m
I would not wont to be locked up in that hall way. By R.F.L.
Love opens 50 doors by ML
doors can open many opportunities By mgh
Don't let the doors close your future. by J.M.C
open your door so you can't be lock inside by mrc
Each door holds a seacret to find out a mission. H.A.E
open that door for blue bonnets.R.F.L.
open doors to get your freedomby m.r.c
life is knocking at 50 doorsBY M.K.L
the door leds you to loven.m.m
open the door and ther would be light ahead.C.A.C
open the rong door and it will darkinsby c.l.r
choses whysly on you path of life eh
doors can open to good ways and bad ways AP
You are always in diffrent doorsBy:M.A.P
Open a door that leads to happyness.M.E.G.C
Open the door to school.H.E.M.
why love locks you in doors MGH
open a door to friendship.R.F.L.
find and open the door to happnissby clr
every door is atleast for every person
Don't let the doors close your future.J.M.C
open your door to many new thingsyou will learnby m.r.c

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Truism for Today

Let's try truisms again. I think you did an amazing job the first time. Remember look at the picture and make your truism. Think about something that is true for all people.Here is mine.
The good life is one step away.
Ms. Mitchell
The world keeps you from life BY M.K.L
Don`t forget the window of life BY M.K.L
The world is there for you by N.M.M
An open path is here to make change in my live mistakes .eh
Open your mind and let imagination free. By C.A.C
Open the path of light. By H.E.M.
Happiness is right outside your window by CLR
An open window of opportunity is right out side your window. by CLR
Windows open play time for kids. By R.F.L
You can never be away from nature.By:M.A.P
The window of love by A.P.
The future is one step ahead of you By M.K.L
Don`t miss the window of opportunities By M.G.C.
Open the next door to your life. By J.M.C
Open your life to many new things By MC

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Truism: What do you see? Now Go Deeper...

Class, look at this picture. What truism do you see? What theme is shown here? What is the bigger social message this picture is showing you?
First, I saw a lock. Then I thought about master and chains which made my mind turn to slavery. How do I move my thoughts into a profound and deep truism? Here is mine.

We allow others' opinions lock us up.

What is yours? Happy Posting. Ms. Mitchell

Don`t let failure lock you in chains. M.G.C.

Once your locked up you can't get out.By:M.A.P

The chain of life can break easier than the lock by CLR

Don`t let the chains of unhappiness blind you from what really matters. M.C

You can always break out of friendship.H.E.M

Lost and death locks you up in chains forever. By M.K.L

I TRAP my self in a world of deep misery.I AM lock in the up and down of me. EH

If you're in this, you'll be chained in too. MP

Don't let love lock you down for the lady you love. AP

Don`t let the chains of darkness keep you from the world BY M.K.L

You can always lock up the chain of braveness. J.M.C

Don't let the lock be the master of your chain by CLR

Chained up because you're a failure. M.R.C

Don`t let hate and unforgivingness trap you in chains. BY M.K.L

Don`t let jealousy chains lock you up. M.E.C

Be a good sport and don't get chained up. By:M.A.P

I failed what I did now I'm going tried harder to on lock me. by c.a.h

You can never break the chain of pain. J.M.C

Never let fear take control or chains will lock you up. C.A.C

People trap me in a lock of ugliness instead of the inside of me . EH

I failed what I won't but I have a second chance to unlock me. CH

Every person gets locked up once and a while. By:M.A.P

You are a lock to the chain of darkness By CLR

Don't let love lock you up on a chains. By n.m.m

Love masters locked doors to open. By AP

Don't lock up your secrets. By MC

The chain of health may never break. BY J.M.C