Write a poem with 15 words or less!
New day
New Start
Blossom from your corner
Step onto the emerald grass
Be Brilliant!
By Ms. M
Sport 107 - Sport news
Sunny day flowers are bloming wind blowing in your hair nothing to stop your heart.By M.K.L
I am first born in the blue day light.R.F.L.
one little flower seeking for loveM.G.H
a little flower waiting for a great day and a great friend.
alone in a green world lost but happy but not relly I need so one by my side
Sport 107 - Sport news
Sunny day flowers are bloming wind blowing in your hair nothing to stop your heart.
By M.K.L
I am first born in the blue day light.
one little flower seeking for love
a little flower waiting for a
great day and a great friend.
alone in a green world lost but happy but not relly I need so one by my side
the sunflour seed is is briter than the aunflour. ☺
Happy to be loved,planted,blosomed.Sad to be forgotten.
Bloming in the air spring time is here in the air somewhere.
roses are red violets are blue but what are sunflowers AP
I was bron in yhe day lit sky the flowers were blowming like a blssom the sun shines like a sweet summer day i wish i cold have this day forever i will miss thes day good by
kaitlin bray
hi ms.mitchell
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