A broken lock is like a friendship. If you break it, it may be hard to fix it even with the key.
maybe it means when you braek a lock that means you brocke a promes Lc
if you cant unlock it with a key you can break free with you mind and heart
When you break a lock you break a friendship and you can not fix it. by;C.T.P
Maybe it meant like that if you had or have a broken heart.
when you brack a lock you brack your haert dc
When you braek a lock you braek a heart.
frends are like a lock when it is broke its hard to fix it
A broken lock is friendship that just broke apart m.L.
your haret is the lock you have broken the lock yourslef by comiting a sin.sometimes that sin can't be fixed and you have a broken your haret forever.M.L
a broken lock a broken heart
A broken lock is like you braking a millona peses of glass and thats not so safe.
when breack a lock you,ve broken your hart,frindship,and life.
When you break a lock you break the inter world.by;C.T.P
When you break a lock it is like breaking the school.by;C.T.P
A broken lock is like a friendship. If you break it, it may be hard to fix it even with the key.
maybe it means when you braek a lock that means you brocke a promes Lc
if you cant unlock it with a key you can break free with you mind and heart
When you break a lock you break a friendship and you can not fix it. by;C.T.P
Maybe it meant like that if you had or have a broken heart.
when you brack a lock you brack your haert dc
When you braek a lock you braek a heart.
frends are like a lock when it is broke its hard to fix it
A broken lock is friendship that just broke apart m.L.
your haret is the lock you have broken the lock yourslef by comiting a sin.sometimes that sin can't be fixed and you have a broken your haret forever.M.L
a broken lock a broken heart
LC I like how you said broken promise.
A broken lock is like you braking a millona peses of glass and thats not so safe.
I like how you side like a sin
AM you are write when you braek a lock you braek a friendship
when breack a lock you,ve broken your hart,frindship,and life.
SZ i like how you said when you braek the lock you braek your haret lc
I love how you talk about love and life.
B.H I like your comment it reminds me of somthing.by;C.T.P
c.t.p. i like how when you say if you broke a friendship you can't fix it m.l.
C.P I hope your friendship does't braek like the lock.from M.L
N.L you are write
Thanks m.l by;C.T.P
wow its awesome!
lc i like how you say when you break a lock you break a promis m.l.
am a broken lock is like friendship but if you find the right persen then it will last a prety long time . sh
When you break a lock you break the inter world.by;C.T.P
When you break a lock it is like breaking the school.by;C.T.P
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