
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quick Write Pet


Anonymous said...


We where going to yellow stone and leaving my do jax with the dog siter.Ever day the dog sitter would come and feed him.Jax was just a little puppy and dident konw better.But while we where gone he at all the frunter but not the couch the dogs layed on.As we got home I ran to the door going to play with jax and brandi.As I ran in I had to get through layer of fluff.All I could see was paper white every where.And we had to clean it all up.

Anonymous said...

One day my mom and dad said that we are going to babysit my cosin's dog...for now! My mom said "maybe if you proov you can take care of the puppy we have him!"When my cosin got to my house I saw how little "Happy". yep,his name was Happy. Well his name sure expressed how he feels MOST of the time. When ever he's alone he CRYS! he's the nices dog I know...and HAVE!

Anonymous said...

This makes me teking aboet my dog Ciann. My popo dusint take care of her like his uthars. He tals all of us all of this and all of thate. So she sad all the time.B.C

Anonymous said...

I didn t even eat my mc donose. I turned off my game i just couldn t playinne more. win he die i was vaer sorrow he woud play all nita log we play ball in toys to.

Anonymous said...

by; C.T.P
After Ginger died my old dog.We had bought a new dog.When we got home we named Her Pepper. She is part cow day and part miniture border colly.Pepper is almost like Ginger but Pepper plays more Ginger didn't.When I come home from school every day.Pepper is waiting at the door by the gate.After I do my home work Pepper grabs one of her toys and I play with her.When I get tired igo to my bed room then 5 m inutes later she comes in.She can open the door because the door don't close all the way.

Anonymous said...

one early moning i whent to the store. when i came back from the my bird was not in the and my mom were trying to look for her i found fethers all over the ground i foun two split wings in the molch we found out that she was eyes were truring waterey my chicks were truning red when that tear feal down i remberd when we were playing hide-n-seek.i will always remember her some where in my heart.

Anonymous said...

F.P One day me and my family and my dog Spots were going on aroad trip.We were packing our stuff spots put all his dog biskits in the back of our van.Well here we go my dad said .Well we hit the road when my dad opend the window spots put his head out it and after one minute spots fell backwords and guess what he was asleep can you just imagine that your dog fell asleep jst becaes of the wind.

Anonymous said...

BH.Camila was the first cat
that i ever knew she was gray with black and white stripes
and was kind and loving and she was the first cat that never got scared of me nor ran away.When i was 5 years
old i went to shcool ,when i was walking out of my house to the shcool bus i saw her laying on the hard cold street i felt sad very sad.

Anonymous said...

When my dog died,my haert was pounding,I had felt like somthing had died inside of me.I did'nt even watch my faverait show Flapjack.I fell asleep in pain. When I woke up I was mad and I felt like yelling so I yelled at my mom and as I ran to my room my mom said not to slam the door but I slamed it any way.I thew my stuffed animals off my bed then I thew my self on mybed and weeped. I fell asleep.Since my dog died I would always say why her why could it have bin me.I would always cry I would do eney thing for her.She is the best pet I'll ever have

Anonymous said...

d.c one day my dog paty stared to act werwd soo nwe put herb in side and got her a way from the oother dogs and took her a bath and staed ther with her when i was in ther i thout about how i got her the best day ever can go to the werst day ever we got her becues a man needed mony to get sedery then she went to sleep we gently closed the door then we called and called a bunch of vets we only fawed one the emgsy pet cliickthen we got so scared i was siting in my roomthink hat is going to hapenn is she going to die i do not know then i got a ponwn call my brother side she is going to die i hugup the pown no mater what she will all ways be in my hart

Anonymous said...

Patsy got back $4.05

Anonymous said...

pasty will get $4.05cange back

Anonymous said...

One day i came home and my mom said where going to have to put the dog down.I felt like something inside of mehad died my haert was shaterd i felt like there was a missing part of me and i didnt now what to do,i was broken


Anonymous said...

s.z i like how you siad that you felt like somethig died in side you. l.c

Anonymous said...

Lilie C. i like how you said i found feathers on the ground and to split wings