Answer your problem solving in your journal with complete work.
What is the correct amount of change due to Patsy if she paid with a $5.00 bill?
i peek and sneak when i have money in my wallet
lost in the dark word no way out but a way in trap forever no!!!! eh
Snenking up on the water bank looking for the right time to jump out to freedome.By M.K.L
peeking and waiting for food inthe riverby m.r.c
a big hippo looking for his love one but not able to fined her. he findes her floting on top of the water to fined out that she is dead.M.G.H.
I peek, I seek, I watchyou better watch outbecause I may see you!
I open the door I felt the clearly glass and the juice meat. I see red and yellow words hear people getting soda taste the big mac By c. a.h
As I open the door to MC.DONALD`S I freeze and the aroma of the salty french fries and the juicy and crunchy chicken hits my nose and I see a heaven of orange and red like the sun and it burned my eye`s.Sis,sis,bush I hear the soda pouring into a cup like a waterfall.Then I feel the rough wall and the juicy french fries and as I slowly put the chicken in my mouth I taste a heavenly burst of oil and grease hit my taste bud`s.BY M.K.L
As I opened the door to McDonald's I can smell the hamburgers and the fries.I hear the sizzling of the French fries maker.I see the kids playing in the play place and the rough juicy chicken in my mouth. by H.E.M.
As I walked into McDonald's (which I hate)the smell of grease entered my nose.I looked at the menu bored the bright neon blue letters came into view.I ordered the chicken.When that crispy chicken entered my mouth I didn't know what to say.The sound of the soda jerk roared on and off like a waterfall.I felt the cold ice cream in my mouth. yet it was warm because of the hot fudge. by M.C.
As I opened the door o McDonald's a smell of crispy juicy chicken spread in my nose.The red and orange words staring at me and I look back.I touch the counter like I'm giving my soul away to the hamburgers.I can hear the sizzling of the fries.I can taste the big mac in my mouth. by J.M.C
As I opened the door to McDonald's.The breeze of the fries feels the air.Oil popping in the air.Dr.Peper feels my mouth.A kiddie burger feels my hand.I see the Dr.Pepper going in to a cup.R.F.L.
As i open the door to McDonald's i feel the order of hot glazing fries hit my face of a cashier .I walk over to the flowing soda that hit the cup of haven order up i hear with a blateras walk to my order .i could see though the clear glass kid were play with joy and laughter ,. i taste the chicken sandwich of haven crispy in my mouth as live the smell follows me i love it. by eh
As I open the door to Mc Donald I could hear people ordering their food. I can see the bright colors on the the menu calling my name telling me to order a meal. I smelled the hot warm chocolate. I tasted the ice cold ice cream witha hot chocolate surrounding the ice cream like it was prison by the hot tasty warm chocolate.by M.R.C