Thanksgiving is an amazing time to think of what we are thankful for. We get at least one day to think back and reflect on our thankful treasures in our lives. It could be music, people in our lives, or even that Nintendo DS Lite you wanted so bad. Think, Class, about what do you truly are thankful for. Look around. Sometimes the most treasured things are right there in front you. I definitely treasure you!
This time, write a poem 15 words or MORE. I know some of you have the desire to use more words. Go forth and write my poets!
I am so thankful for my family and my cool little brother, im living my life thank you God for this wonderful life.AP
On Thursday morning I skipped into the living room and smlled the hot gravy in the hot frying pan.
Gravy dripping down a hot roll. Turkey slices are the main dish which much better than fish.The chcolate pie my grandma and I made from scratch that no taste could match . Well the day is done but not the fun the family and the friends will always stay.
Food food everywhere thought the girl in her mind.I am so thankful for so good food.And for my family. Also my brother and sister.And for having a great Thanksgiving.
warm turkey in the middle
ham next to it
mmmmmm! that smell of it
can you guess what it is ?
if you think it is Thankgiving
than you are right!
Some families having
a feast,some without a
home to be warm and
having a feast like
everybody else.I am
thankful to have a
by mrc
Full of thanks in the day
oh how it is for Thanksgiving today
but it is about thanks
and joy to the day
but everyday is something
good to us
which is actually joy
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