Ms. Mitchell is deep in thoughts during the holidays. This picture stood out to me. I love thinking about thinking. Try this picture for your poetry. Try to look deep in yourself for words this week. Now think even deeper. WOW me with your words, Class.
Women sitting among the beach.Thinking about what she will do tomorrow.And if she will be hear tomorrow.
A poor boy that's sad sitting on the seashore poor poor boy
the water cry with you your sad you say what is rong N.M.M
I see water over my feet and it feel good my family is gone. HEA
Women thinking why she is out at the beach.And why she has teared clothes?And she remebers that she is homeless.
the life of hope and the soul of homeless
I wonder if my hope is gone no I have to find you.
The blue moon shines on the river the broken glass just shows who you are when your broken in a thousand pieces.
The silver reflection shows who you are .But thy will see in a different light.
Tears shed on my face. Despair everywhere.Crying makes the flood bigger.People despair.
The devil is evil.You do not want to see him.He is really evil.CAC
sitting at the pool and you left me alone with nothing at all except shame.
by clr
river of hopes and dreams but no hopes are there for you. you sit wondering am i free or am i nothing
beautiful river,
depressed child wishing
to be free from everything.
by M.R.C
beautiful ocean
sad person lost
at sea
to be back home
is her dream to come true
River of gray nothing left. Gold shines .But love is the true gold.
where are you? I can't see you. why are you not here? soul cryness. a life you not be here. is like a soul of sadness.
It looks as beautiful as the sun sets.
Its so gorgous.
It blinded me really badly.
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