
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Looking at Lights

One of the most favorite things Spencer and I like to do during the holidays is to get hot chocolate and look at Christmas lights. We drive to Valero, buy piping hot chocolate, and drive slowly through the neighborhood "oohhhhing" and "aaaahhhing" at the Christmas lights and displays.
Write a quick poem 15 words or More. Ciao~ Ms. Mitchell
The Cristmas lights twinkled on and off on and
off.The stockings are hung low by the the
fireplace.The milk and cookies waiting to be
eaten.snow fell lightly.As Cristmas night rose and fell.
hot chocolate so warm so good as you say
yame you r mom say this is a famly favriet
we drink it on this porch and look at the lights as
they shine on the street
I feel the Hot chocolate and it's so hot it is like fire
on top of fire in my hand but in a cup.
the sweat sizzling hot cocoa and the gingerbread
men standing there waiting to be eaten, outside
the cool Winter night blows cold wind
the light upon my eyes it was mr. jonhsen house
the big tree full of light and the big gingerman
Christmas lights shine above
in diffrent colors thatamazes me so
but every lane I seehas so much light I can't bare to see
oh its so good to see Christmas
lights that shine
so bright in what I can't
the light obove my eye the the big tree full with
light and candycane hanging from the tree that falls
on my head
a hot chocolate steaming
up to you on a cold winter
night next to a fire while
your mom making a
hot fresh batch homemade cookies in
your oven waiting to
be eaten with hot chocoa
by m.r.c
a cold day and a poor woman wishies
she had a warm drink as she passes
by a coffee shop she seeies a family drinking a hot cocoa and
she wishes that was her family
Most people like to drink hot chcocolate in cold
days like winter.The snowy part of winter is a good
time to drink hot chcocolate sit in front of the
camp fire.And read good book.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Time: 20 Words or More

The lights shine as bright as the sun
the green tree has white some people call it snow some people call it hope.
The family gathers around the tree songs,love,together
a baby laughs and the world gets love forever
and never stops loving
By M.k.l
The green tree waiting for Santa to come
and leave the presents for the children
and saying ' ho ho ho and Merry Christmas'
A bright star on top of green pines .The stockings hang over a not hot but warm fire.Lights twinkle on the Christmas tree while old St.Nick gives candy and toys to good little girls and boys.When a little girl named Liaz Lou came and said "Santa is that you?"HOHOHOOO have a merry Christmas Liaz Lou.When she opened gifts she said"Thank you St.Nick".
The case of Queen and king they have to decide before dark and war begin and they have to win
You sit by your tree with light all around it
and has a star on top of it and say
Merry Christmas to your family and friends and say hello.
The sound and feeling of love shines like angels are coming from above the family prays that this well be the best Christmas ever and a man makes a promise to a little girl that she well have the best Christmas ever then he has no way of doing that but he promised that he would so he helps her family have the best one ever at the end of Christmas she gives him the best one ever By M.K.L

Monday, December 8, 2008

15 words or more Poetry

one flower by the side-walk
waiting to get pick-up
one last blow and it's gone
but it stayed in it's place
The poor little lonely plant standing on a sidewalk
he needs someone but he doesn't
The gray world has one hope for color.A tiny yellow f
lower sits there waiting for your help grow.But it can't stay forever
A plant all alone no friends so bored. Nothing to do
because it can't move or talk.
One last bird stands so proud on it's legs.One last
flower blooming bright.It is slowly opening in the
lonely world.One beauty is born and stays alive.The
flower is life.
standing there alone
without someone talking to you or making
you feel special,
you're alone and depressed.
by M.R.C
a flower sad alone waiting for something or
someone it was waiting for rain and sun
I lay all alone under the gray sky on the street so I
just wait.
The last moment of earth not yet has it spread it
wings to
all earth surfaces .
I'm lonely in this garden with
no plants in my sightbut just wait onceI die
because once I die I leave
seeds to grow and there
won't be lonely
plants here
as I wait until it happens
I was sitting on the blue sea i could see the fish
and the big sharks
A bird ate a seed and drop on the ground in the
street.Two weeks later the seedling begin to hatch
it grow and grow and it became a pretty flower.
I am on a side of a road and I am growing big
flower on.
I am a flower I live alone I never really had a
home.I am dying with nothing think and no water
to drink. this is the end of me so so long and I will
not see you next time.
by clr

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Poetry

I am so thankful for my family and my cool little
brother, im living my life thank you God for this wonderful life.
On Thursday morning I skipped into the living
room and smlled the hot gravy in the hot frying
Gravy dripping down a hot roll. Turkey slices are
the main dish which much better than fish.The
chocolate pie my grandma and I made from scratch
that no taste could match . Well the day is done
but not the fun the family and the friends will
always stay.
Food food everywhere thought the girl in her
mind.I am so thankful for so good food.And for my
family. Also my brother and sister.And for having a
great Thanksgiving.
warm turkey in the middle
ham next to it
mmmmmm! that smell of it
can you guess what it is ?
if you think it is Thankgiving
than you are right!
Some families having
a feast, some without a
home to be warm and
having a feast like
everybody else.
I am thankful to have a home.
by mrc
Full of thanks in the day
oh how it is for Thanksgiving today
but it is about thanks
and joy to the day
but everyday is something
good to us
which is actually joy