One of the most favorite things Spencer and I like to do during the holidays is to get hot chocolate and look at Christmas lights. We drive to Valero, buy piping hot chocolate, and drive slowly through the neighborhood "oohhhhing" and "aaaahhhing" at the Christmas lights and displays.
Write a quick poem 15 words or More. Ciao~ Ms. Mitchell
The Cristmas lights twinkled on and off on and
off.The stockings are hung low by the the
fireplace.The milk and cookies waiting to be
eaten.snow fell lightly.As Cristmas night rose and fell.
hot chocolate so warm so good as you say
yame you r mom say this is a famly favriet
we drink it on this porch and look at the lights as
they shine on the street
I feel the Hot chocolate and it's so hot it is like fire
on top of fire in my hand but in a cup.
the sweat sizzling hot cocoa and the gingerbread
men standing there waiting to be eaten, outside
the cool Winter night blows cold wind
the light upon my eyes it was mr. jonhsen house
the big tree full of light and the big gingerman
Christmas lights shine above
in diffrent colors thatamazes me so
but every lane I seehas so much light I can't bare to see
oh its so good to see Christmas
lights that shine
so bright in what I can't
the light obove my eye the the big tree full with
light and candycane hanging from the tree that falls
on my head
a hot chocolate steaming
up to you on a cold winter
night next to a fire while
your mom making a
hot fresh batch homemade cookies in
your oven waiting to
be eaten with hot chocoa
by m.r.c
a cold day and a poor woman wishies
she had a warm drink as she passes
by a coffee shop she seeies a family drinking a hot cocoa and
she wishes that was her family
Most people like to drink hot chcocolate in cold
days like winter.The snowy part of winter is a good
time to drink hot chcocolate sit in front of the
camp fire.And read good book.