a fild of promases take care of it K.E.B
i'm a free flower K.E.b
wach out don't step on me K.E.B
i'm as delact as a flower i'm very fragel don't break me K.E.B.
A feild is a dream and when you dream you are in one of those feilds.If you think hard enough you could be in all of them at once
the fheash air blowing thro my face and the flower pedales all over the place D.c
the wind blowes ther my hair. the gress skraches my leges. it is home i'm home. i feel safe i feel peces. i wish i cold relly go home but i cent.
the flower look cool IT looks like a poll j.s.
freedom in the gerassy land c.a.r
When there's a sunny day like that GOD is happy and a baby is born
the free blue ski c.a.r
I shine in the sun. They eat me cuse I'm something that you eat I'm flower seed's bye. DD
I think it means it is your new life and you can do new things
"go with the flow" I might say the sky is blue...for now.color is stolen I'm sure you heard of the lighting theif,ha live is funny that way oh sorry,what I thoght was so funny was the color theif! HA the lighting theif,the color theif oh the iron.But back to the mater at hand,ran wihle you still have your color M.L.M